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Writer's pictureGunatvam

Benefits of Organic Farming

Organic agriculture has become the fastest growing sector of the food industry. More and more consumers are switching to organic diets and more and more farmers are leaving behind their conventional farming methods to learn more sustainable ones. The demand for organic foods is overwhelming and it shows no signs of toning down. After recent studies have proven that the chemical residues found in conventional foods are indeed very hazardous, the world had been made awake to the various Benefits of Organic Farming.

1. One of the many Benefits of Organic Farming is the ease in transition. A conventional farmer can switch to organic agriculture without much difficulty.

2. Organic farmers can realize around 30% less production costs because of the savings they will make through the elimination of overheads allotted to the purchase of chemical pesticides and industrial fertilizers.

3. Use of crop rotation, compost pits, and manure boost the fertility of the soil as opposed to pesticides and artificial fertilizers that degrade fertility. The yield on the fifth year of organic farming can be up to five times more that the yield on the fifth year of conventional farming because of the huge difference in soil fertility. Natural agricultural techniques also reduce erosion rate by more than 50%.

4. Animal lovers are also delighted of the Benefits of Organic Farming especially the more humane treatment of livestock. Animals in organic farms are allowed to freely roam and graze on the vicinity as opposed to conventional farms that keep animals locked in narrow pens. The animals are allowed more freedom. Other organisms are also allowed to live on the farm that promotes biodiversity.

5. Organic farms sustain the different microorganisms that help nourish the soil as opposed to conventional farms that kill them with toxic chemical residues. These microorganisms can keep the soil fertile for decades even without human intervention.

6. Organic agriculture produces organic foods that can be sold for high prices which result to more revenues for the farmers. This is because they are currently in an economic state of scarcity. The demand for organic foods is exponentially more than the supply.

7. Another one of the great Benefits of Organic Farming is that it provides consumers with a healthy alternative to traditional foods. Organic foods are produced without the use of synthetic substances that often leave behind toxic chemical residues on the crops, animals, and produce. These residues can be very harmful when taken in regularly. Toxin buildup can lead to various complications such as cancer, heart disease, internal defects, diabetes and others.

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